A large office space. Currently undergoing a complete overhaul of the entire building with a proposed completion date of Q1 2022. Tower House is a landmark 14..
Located in the centre of Bristol.
To Let 3,832 sf Shop, Retail Office, Office
GF Sales >140sm/1500sf, Corner position
The property comprises part of the ground floor and basement of a four storey office building with composite stone..
The property is prominently located in the affluent suburb of Clifton on the east side of Whiteladies Road. Whiteladies Road is a popular destination..
Modern Offices, Air Cooling, Raised Floors, Suspended Ceilings, Open Plan, EPC C
25 Trenchard Street is an attractive brick-built office building and the subject accommodation comprises a modern..
The property is located close to the junction of Trenchard Street and..
To Let 3,923 sf Shop, Restaurant
GF Sales >140sm/1500sf, Net Frontage > 7m/22ft
It is understood that the premises benefit from an E Class planning consent allowing for uses to include retail, offices, cafe/restaurant and..
The Union Gate block is situated at the bottom of Union Street forming part..
To Sell 3,568 sf Shop, Retail Office
Clevedon is an English seaside town in North Somerset, located 15.5 miles west of Bristol. The town has a population of approximately..
Car spaces, Entire Building
The offices have front and rear entrances and a private car park. This has room for 5 cars independently or 7 if double parking. Also to the rear is a two storey..
Queen Square is a prime Bath city centre office location. The main shopping streets are..
To Let 3,712 sf Shop, Retail Office, Restaurant, Medical / Clinic
Shopping Centre, GF Sales >140sm/1500sf
Each shop benefits from a Class E planning consent allowing premises to be used for retail, financial and professional services..
Nailsea is a busy town situated 8 miles west of Bristol and 16 miles north west of Weston Super Mare, close to the M5 motorway with an estimated..
A modern 2 storey detached office building with brick and part rendered elevations under a pitched roof. Total Net Internal Floor Area - 7,487 sq ft (695.56 sq..