Modern unit, Local Shopping Centre, Prime, Corner position
The Cavendish Arcade is a historic Grade II listed former public baths that was converted into a shopping arcade in 1987. The unit is located in a great position on the..
Buxton is a Roman Spa town located on the edge of the Peak District National Park. Cavendish Arcade..
The Cavendish Arcade is a historic Grade II listed former public baths that..
Buxton is a spa town situated within the County of Derbyshire just outside the Peak District National Park. The town is..
The property is arranged on ground floor level only, with the benefit of an..
Buxton is in the Borough of High Peak, Derbyshire and has a population of approximately 22,215 persons. The subject property is extremely visible..
To Let
1,175 sf Light Industrial, Storage
Refurbished unit, 1 Level Loading Door, Shared Parking, Motorway < 8Km/5miles
The subject property forms part of Etherow Industrial Estate, where unit..
The subject property which forms part of Etherow Industrial Estate, is situated just off Woolley..
To Let
1,614 sf Light Industrial, Storage, Media / Art Studios
Refurbished unit, 1 Level Loading Door, Shared Parking
The subject property forms part of Etherow Industrial Estate, where unit sizes range from 1,221 sq ft to 2,481 sq ft with amenity space and level access loading..
The subject property which forms part of Etherow Industrial Estate, is situated just off Woolley Bridge Road in..
The property is arranged on ground and basement levels, with the benefit of..
Buxton is in the Borough of High Peak, Derbyshire and has a population of approximately 22,215..
Shopping Centre
The subject premises are situated adjacent to Yorkshire Trading Company and Reed Employment...
Buxton is in the Borough of High Peak, Derbyshire and has a population of approximately 22,215 persons. ..
To Let
4,276.38 sf Light Industrial, Business Unit, Warehouse, Storage, Office
Industrial Estate, Demised Parking, Gas Heating
The property comprises a modern detached industrial unit with integral offices and storage accommodation.
The property is located on Dinting Lane Industrial Estate on Dinting Lane in Glossop. It is located on a popular..
Attractive retail unit in one of Buxton's landmark buildings. It benefits from glass frontage..
The Cavendish Arcade is a historic Grade II listed former public baths that was converted into a shopping arcade in 1987. The unit is located in a great..
Ground floor retail unit located in Whaley Bridge town centre..
The property is located on Market Street in the Market town of Whaley Bridge, in close proximity to the local..
To Let
9,550 sf Light Industrial, General Industrial, Warehouse
The property comprises clear open space in three bays with supports between each bay. There are..