GU34 Blacknest Industrial Estate
To Sell 3,226 sf Light Industrial, General Industrial, Warehouse, Distribution unit
Industrial Estate
The property comprises a modern terraced light industrial/warehouse unit of steel portal..
Blacknest Industrial Estate is a popular and well established industrial estate located just outside the village..
GU34 Blacknest Industrial Estate
To Sell 2,308 sf Light Industrial, General Industrial, Warehouse, Distribution unit
The property comprises a modern terraced light industrial/warehouse unit of steel portal..
Blacknest Industrial Estate is a popular and well established industrial estate located just outside the village of Bentley and close to the..
GU34 Blacknest Industrial Estate
To Sell 1,453 sf Light Industrial, General Industrial, Warehouse, Distribution unit
The property comprises a modern terraced light industrial/warehouse unit of steel portal frame construction with..
Blacknest Industrial Estate is a popular and well-established industrial estate..