UKSouth East EnglandIndustrial Shearway Business Park CT
CT19 The Regent Centre
To Let 1,215 sf Light Industrial, Warehouse, Office
Modern unit, Eaves 4-6m, Demised Parking
The Regent Centre is a high-quality commercial scheme providing a mixture of..
The unit is located within Shearway Business Park which is strategically located adjacent to Junction 13 of the M20 Motorway and within close proximity to the Channel..
CT19 Stanley Court
To Let 942 sf Light Industrial, Warehouse
Distribution/Business Park, Eaves 6-8m, Electric Loading Door, 3phase power, LED lit warehouse
The property forms the end of a terrace of single storey Industrial/Warehouse units of steel portal frame construction..
The property is located in the popular Stanley Court development which forms part of the Shearway Business Park on the north side of Folkestone and..