UKLondonIndustrial Woolwich Dockyard SE
SE18 Block 1
To Let 2,493 sf Light Industrial
3phase power, LED lit warehouse
The property comprises a first floor light industrial unit with a 2 tonne maximum capacity..
The property forms part of the well established Woolwich Dockyard..
SE18 Block 2,
To Let 2,493 sf Light Industrial, Warehouse
Industrial Estate, Eaves 4-6m, 1 Level Loading Door, Demised Parking, 3phase power
The property comprises a portal framed unit with brick and block elevations, beneath a mono pitched roof incorporating translucent light panels, with a..
The property forms part of the well established Woolwich Dockyard Industrial Estate which is accessed off of the A206 Woolwich Church Street just past the Warspite Road..