Secured site, in town, Motorway < 8Km/5miles
The site is a regular shape and is surfaced in part. The site is clear of any structures and as..
The subject site is located on the eastern edge of Manchester City Centre, situated in a prominent position and..
To Sell
1.03 ac Shop, Roadside/Drive-in unit, Development - Roadside, Development - Hotel / Student, Development - Retail, Development - Industrial
Land adjacent to Sainsbury's Superstore with varied development potential of uses including storage, trade counter..
Heaton is a district of Greater Manchester, approximately 4 miles north of the City Centre. Manchester has a population of 2.79..
To Sell
1.63 ac Development - Residential, Development - Retail, Development - Industrial, Development - Leisure, Development - Roadside, Development - Hotel / Student
The site is a rectangular parcel of land measuring 1.65 acres (0.668 hectares), located just south of the junction of Fairy Lane and..
The property boasts a prime location on Bury New Road (A56) in Manchester, situated roughly half a ..