To Sell 7,039.66 sf Pub / Bar, Development - Residential, Development - Leisure, Development - Retail
The Royal Shades is a former pubic house dating from the 19th century. It is a part..
Hayling Island is an island off the south coast of England located in the county of Hampshire and approximately four miles..
The Royal Shades is a former pubic house dating from the 19th century. It is a part two/part single storey building and is constructed of painted brick under a..
Hayling Island is an island off the south coast of England located in the county of Hampshire and approximately..
The accommodation is part of a detached public toilet block located on the Sea Front. Internally, the unit is open plan and accessed via a single door. It was..
The property is situated on Eastoke Corner on the Southern part of the Island..
Corner position
Prominent Corner Unit
Total NIA 102.29 sq m (1,101 sq ft)..
Hayling Island is an island on the south coast of England and is approximately five miles south of Havant and the A27/M27...
Demised Parking, Secured site
The site comprises a secure regular shaped yard, which we understand totals approximately 2,400..
Hayling Island is an island off the south coast, in the borough of Havant in the county of Hampshire, east of Portsmouth...
The site is currently undeveloped and would be suitable for a number of business uses..
The site is located adjacent to a new light industrial development completed in 2016 (Furniss Business Centre). Hayling Billy Business..