UKSouth East EnglandRetail London Street RG
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London Street


RG21 London Street
Long Lease 1,700 sf Shop
Local Shopping Centre, GF Sales >140sm/1500sf, Net Frontage > 7m/22ft, Double-fronted unit, Rear Access
The premises comprises a prominent unit which is open plan and in shell condition. The premises can be divided..
The premises is situated in a prominent location on the north side of the pedestrianised..
RG28 London Street
To Let 513 sf Shop, Retail Office
The property comprises a self contained retail /office unit...
London Street is a main street within the Town centre. Whichchurch is approx 10 miles..
RG21 Former Royal Exchange
To Sell 10,494 sf Pub / Bar
Substantial Freehold Commercial Hospitality Property & Accommodation, the property comprises four distinct connected buildings occupying a prominent..
The property is situated in the large town of Basingstoke which is 50 miles south-west of London, 20 miles south of Reading and 21 miles north-east of Winchester...
RG21 London Street
To Let 590 sf Shop
17A London Street occupies a strong 'Top of Town' trading position, and is under re-development/refurbishment by the new owners. The ground floor is..
The property is situated in a prominent trading position on the southern side..