SA14 Morrisons Supermarket
To Let 470 sf Pod / Kiosk / Concession, Shop
Modern unit, Local Shopping Centre, Prime
The unit is prominently located adjacent to the checkout tills and Timpsons unit, close to the superstore entrance/exit. The..
The unit is located within the Morrisons LLanelli superstore, prominently located on Pemberton Retail Park, which is well-let..
SA14 Trostre Industrial Park
To Let 879 sf Restaurant, Shop, Take Away
Assignment of existing lease due to expire April 2032
SA14 Plot 31a
To Sell 1.83 ac Development - Industrial, Development - Roadside, Trade Counter unit, Open Storage, Car Showroom / Sales
The subject site is located at the south western end of Cross Hands East Business Park with extensive prominence to the A48. Access to the site is via..
Cross Hands is situated on the A48 approximately 16 miles to the North West of Swansea..