To Sell
4,235 sf Investment - Retail High Street
100 London Road is a converted showroom which now provides a retail and head office for Poggenpohl in the UK and is..
The property is located on London Road close to the London Road Car Park and about seven minutes walk to the prime retailing pitch of St Peters..
To Sell
26,533 sf Office, Development - Office, Development - Residential
Car spaces
Tonman House comprises an attractive three storey office building totalling..
The property lies in a prominent position in the heart of St Albans, approximately..
To Sell
2.2 ac Development - Residential
The site presents an opportunity for a high-end private residential..
How Wood is an affluent suburb of St Albans, located to the south of the City Centre. How Wood provides basic local amenities with further amenities..
Modern Offices, Air Conditioning, Raised Floors, Suspended Ceilings, Meeting Rooms, Open Plan, Kitchen, Excellent Natural Light, Car spaces
The premises comprise the entire first floor within this three-storey office building of concrete..
The property is located in Waterside, Station Road, a well known modern office development (2005) in Harpenden. There are good communication links with the M1 and..
To Sell
4,586 sf Shop, Showroom / Gallery, Restaurant, Repurpose Retail, Development - Retail, Development - Residential
Modern unit, High Street, Prime, Corner position, Residential Flat, Air Conditioning
Former banking premises exteding to 4,586 sq ft for sale freehold with vacant possession. There is, in addition, four 1 bed flats let..
Prime high street retail unit occuping a promient cormer location in this affluent commuter town.
To Sell
3,122 sf Investment - Office , Investment - Retail High Street
The premises is a mixed use commercial detached building located on Thompsons Close in Harpenden. The ground..
The property is located in central Harpenden, close to the high street. Thompsons Close is often used as a walkway from car parks on Bowers Parade..
To Sell
1,726 sf Investment - Retail High Street, Ground Rents
The property comprises two adjoining retail units let to separate tenants with retail..
Prominent location at the top of George Street close to its junction with High Street in the heart of St Albans city centre. George Street..
Refurbished Offices, Gas Heating, Carpeted, LED Lighting, Car spaces
The premises comprises a ground floor office within a four-storey mid terraced office building benefitting from a recent..
The property is located in a prominent position on Verulam Road, one of the main arterial routes into the centre of St Albans...
To Sell
5,665 sf Investment - Retail High Street, BTL & Student Accommodation
Comprises an attractive Grade II Listed two storey front building currently occupied as a caf? together..
Situated prominently on High Street, close to its junction with Sun Lane within Harpenden Town Centre. The surrounding occupiers comprise a mixture of..
To Sell
6,582 sf Shop, Development - Retail, Development - Residential, Development - Leisure
The subject property is located in a prime position on the western side of the High..
Harpenden is an affluent, attractive commuter town in the county of Hertfordshire. It is situated some 30 miles north of Central London, some 5 miles..
To Sell
7,683 sf Development - Industrial
The site currently comprises a detached warehouse building of brick..
Situated in the well-known mixed-use commercial area known as Spring Valley business area which is approximately one mile north of St Albans..
To Sell
7,683 sf General Industrial, Warehouse, Development - Industrial
Detached unit, Loading Canopy, Demised Parking
The property comprises a detached warehouse building of brick construction beneath a pitched and profile metal clad..
Further information is available on request.
To Sell
5,685 sf Investment - Residential, Assured Shorthold Tenancy
High Yielding Unbroken Residential Investment Comprising 21 Private Flats Currently Producing £251,508 per annum..
The building is highly prominent, directly fronting the A5183 / Radlett Road which connects St Albans with Radlett and offers a swift route to Junction 6 of the..